2024年亚洲青年领袖菁英计划 (夏季) 现已开放申请

  • 2024-04-17
  • CIAE

亚洲青年领袖菁英计划 (AYLEP) 是青年探索世界的窗口,是青年相互连结的桥樑,是青年从亚洲到世界获得充实和精彩体验的平台。在过去的 16 年里,AYLEP已使来自 85 个国家的 22539 名参与者受益。

Asian Youth Leaders Elite Program (AYLEP) is a window for youth to explore the world, a bridge for youth to connect with each other, a platform for youth to gain fulfilling and amazing experiences from Asia to worldwide. AYLEP has benefited 22539 participants from 85 countries in the past 16 years.
For more information, please visit the website: www.aylep.com