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Visa Application

Visa Application


nternational students must apply for a valid Resident Visa in order to study in Taiwan; and the admission letter is necessary but not sufficient to guarantee a Resident Visa. Your highest-level diploma and an affidavit of financial support for visa application must be authenticated by Taiwan Embassy or Representative Office near you and the process may take about one month to complete. Those who fail to obtain a Resident Visa may receive a Visitor Visa to enter into Taiwan. In that case, students must spend another NT$3,000 to change their visa status first before applying for Alien Resident Certificate (ARC). We thus strongly suggest you to start the paperwork soon so as to enroll in time. For detail information, please visit the following web site and find an embassy or consulate of Taiwan near you.

Portal of Taiwan Embassies, Consulates, and Missions Abroad

Entry Visa Application

Students applying from abroad who have received official admission notice should apply at the nearest Taiwan embassy, consulate or representative agency for entry visas to enter Taiwan. Visitor visas and resident visas are issued to students depending on the length of their study.

Resident Visa

To apply for a resident visa (for degree program students), please prepare:

A passport valid for at least six months;
  • A duly completed application form with one photo;
  • Supporting documents or official admission notice; and
  • Other relevant documents.
  • Health Certificate if applicable.
Resident visa holders are required to apply for an Alien Resident Certificate at the city/county police headquarters nearest to their residence in Taiwan within 15 days after their arrival. For students who failed to obtain resident visas from overseas, they may apply for visitor visas to enter Taiwan. They will need to apply for resident visas to the Bureau of Consular Affairs (

Visitor Visa

To apply for a visitor visa (for non-degree program students), please prepare:
  • A passport valid for at least six months;
  • A duly completed application form with one photo;
  • An outbound airline ticket or verifiable proof of purchase of steamship ticket;
  • Documents verifying the purpose of visit; and
  • Other relevant documents.
Most of the students are allowed to stay in Taiwan for about sixty days and may apply at the city police headquarter for a maximum of two extensions. Visa application forms can be downloaded from the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Alien Resident Certificate Application

Resident visa holders are required to apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) at the city/county police headquarters nearest to their residence (Taipei: Taipei City Police Government) in Taiwan within 15 days after their arrival. They may stay in Taiwan as long as the Alien Resident Certificate remains valid.

Extending an Alien Resident Certificate

One should begin preparing to apply for an extension at least two weeks before one’s ARC expires. The steps are:
  1. Pay tuition and fees for upcoming semester. Get a stamp for registration on student ID card.
  2. Bring your passport, ARC, and student ID card to the following office: Taichung County Service Center National Immigration Agency 280 Jhongshan Road Fongyuan City, Taichung County Phone: 04-25269777

Re-entry Permit

Anyone holding an Alien Resident Certificate and wishing to leave Taiwan for a short time should apply for a Re-entry permit. One will not have to apply outside Taiwan for a new visa. To apply for a Re-entry permit, one needs to take the following steps:
  1. Pay tuition and fees for upcoming semester. Get a stamp for registration on student ID card.
  2. Go to Taichung County Service Center and apply for a Re-entry permit with Certificate of Enrollment (i.e. student ID card), passport and Alien Resident Certificate.